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OEM Scan Engines

A rearmost wide area OEM 2D Imager that can easily be built in anywhere to suit your business environment. The EM20-M37 is ideal for any online to offline scanning, such as loyalty programs.

1D & 2D
Dual Interface
2 years
Warranty 2 Years

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Fecha EOM: fecha de discontinuación del servicio y soporte, el último día en que se proporciona la actualización del software, el servicio de repuestos y reparación para este producto.
EM20-M37 fecha de discontinuación de producto
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EM20-M37 2D CMOS Area Imager engine, super wide view angle, USB/TTL232 interface, (Processor Based Decoder 2037V4, reads 1D & PDF / Data matrix / QR).

Industrias sugeridas



Fast and efficient barcode scanning.
The EM20-M37 is a Newland 2D OEM Scan Engine that is easy to use for both your employees and customers. The scanner picks up on barcodes easily and takes almost no time to master.

Easy integration.
The EM20-M37 is designed as an OEM Scan Engine with minimal casing to incorporate the illumination needed to accomplish optimum scanning. The resulting flexibility makes it a suitable solution for a wide variety of applications.

Multiple interfaces.
The EM20-M37 supports USB and TTL-232 interfaces to meet diverse customer needs.

Minimal footprint.
With a shallow form factor (65.2mm), fitting the device into small spaces is simple and hassle free.

Designed to optimize scanning from a mobile phone screen.
A wide viewing angle and shallow depth of field makes the EM20-M37 an ideal OEM Scan Engine for scanning from a mobile phone screen. It was designed with added illumination that optimizes phone screen reading.

Application scenarios.
Kiosks, self-service cabinets used in e-commerce, express delivery services and smart homes; ATMs, queue machines, lottery machines, certificate makers.

Especificaciones técnicas


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