
MT65 Beluga V

Mobile Computers

MT65 Beluga V

Mobile Computers
This Android Mobile computer combines touchscreen and keypad for logistical efficiency.
1D & 2D
Android 11
Mobile Computer Barcode Scanner MT65 Beluga - Newland Android Barcode Reader
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MT95 Kambur Pro II

Mobile Computers

MT95 Kambur Pro II

Mobile Computers
Newland's 5G Mobile Computer for exceptional speed and connectivity
1D & 2D
Android 13
This image shows Mobile Computer with Barcode Scanner - MT95 Kambur Pro from the front view
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N7 Cachalot Pro II

Mobile Computers

N7 Cachalot Pro II

Mobile Computers
The logistical Pro Series Computer
1D & 2D
Android 11
N7 Cachalot Pro II - Mobile Computer
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MT37 Baiji

Mobile Computers

MT37 Baiji

Mobile Computers
Lightweight & portable Mobile Computer
1D & 2D
Android 8.1
This image shows mobile computer MT37 Baiji that scans even damaged or poor quality barcodes with ease and speed.
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MT67 Sei

Mobile Computers

MT67 Sei

Mobile Computers
This Android Mobile computer combines touchscreen and keypad for logistical efficiency.
1D & 2D
Android 11
This image shows Mobile Computer Barcode Scanner Newland MT67 Sei - Tilted View - Android Barcode Scanner
To the product

NQuire 500 Skate II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 500 Skate II

Micro Kiosks
Versatile tablet-size solution that's ideally suited for in-store information retrieval.
1D & 2D
Android 13
5.0" screen
NQuire 500 Skate II picture shows micro kiosk with a scanner
To the product

NQuire 750 Stingray

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 750 Stingray

Micro Kiosks
Additional data capture modules help customize to your self-service application.
1D & 2D
Android 7.1
7" screen
Micro Kiosk NQuire 750 Stingray minimises the obstruction in the the working environment and protects the balance with interior design
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NQuire 750 Stingray II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 750 Stingray II

Micro Kiosks
Additional data capture modules help customize to your self-service application.
1D & 2D
Android 13
7" screen
picture shows NQuire 750 Stingray II micro kiosk with a scanner
To the product

NQuire 1000 Manta II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 1000 Manta II

Micro Kiosks
Versatile tablet-size solution that's ideally suited for in-store information retrieval.
1D & 2D
Android 7.1
10.1" screen
This image shows Micro Kiosks NQuire 1000 Manta II powerful 2D megapixel barcode scanner
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NQuire 1000 Manta III

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 1000 Manta III

Micro Kiosks
Enhanced user interaction in a tablet-sized solution.
1D & 2D
Android 13
10.1" screen
This image shows Micro Kiosks NQuire 1000 Manta II powerful 2D megapixel barcode scanner
To the product

NQuire 1500 Mobula II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 1500 Mobula II

Micro Kiosks
Master size for master performance and versatility.
1D & 2D
Android 13
15.6" screen
The picture shows NQuire 1500 Mobula II micro kiosk with a scanner
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