Stationary Scanners

Newland EMEA’s stationary barcode scanners are versatile fixed-mount barcode scanners that can be implemented in any device for any industry.

FM3281 Grouper

Stationary Scanners

FM3281 Grouper

Stationary Scanners
First of its kind fixed mount scanner with full NFC functionality and outdoor-ready design.
1D & 2D
Mobile Reading
Visual Feedback
This image shows fixed-mount Newland EMEA scanner FM3281 perfect scanner for outdoor environments
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Stationary Scanners


Stationary Scanners
It's reading performance reaches and exceeds global standards.
Dual Interface
This image shows high performance fixed CCD scan engine FM100
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FM415 Bass

Stationary Scanners

FM415 Bass

Stationary Scanners
The FM415 Bass is designed for fast, straightforward 2D scanning applications.
1D & 2D
1.5m drop
Image showing the stationary scanner FM415 Bass
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FM3080 Hind

Stationary Scanners

FM3080 Hind

Stationary Scanners
Particularly suited for integrated mounting in ticketing turnstiles.
1D & 2D
Mobile Reading
Visual Feedback
This is image of CPU-based barcode scanner FR3080 Hind
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