
Newland EMEA barcode scanners help run healthcare facilities and hospitals smoothly from patient check-in to instrument tracking.

NQuire 500 Skate II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 500 Skate II

Micro Kiosks
Versatile tablet-size solution that's ideally suited for in-store information retrieval.
1D & 2D
Android 13
5.0" screen
NQuire 500 Skate II picture shows micro kiosk with a scanner
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NQuire 750 Stingray

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 750 Stingray

Micro Kiosks
Additional data capture modules help customize to your self-service application.
1D & 2D
Android 7.1
7" screen
Micro Kiosk NQuire 750 Stingray minimises the obstruction in the the working environment and protects the balance with interior design
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NQuire 750 Stingray II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 750 Stingray II

Micro Kiosks
Additional data capture modules help customize to your self-service application.
1D & 2D
Android 13
7" screen
picture shows NQuire 750 Stingray II micro kiosk with a scanner
To the product

NQuire 1000 Manta II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 1000 Manta II

Micro Kiosks
Versatile tablet-size solution that's ideally suited for in-store information retrieval.
1D & 2D
Android 7.1
10.1" screen
This image shows Micro Kiosks NQuire 1000 Manta II powerful 2D megapixel barcode scanner
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NQuire 1000 Manta III

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 1000 Manta III

Micro Kiosks
Enhanced user interaction in a tablet-sized solution.
1D & 2D
Android 13
10.1" screen
This image shows Micro Kiosks NQuire 1000 Manta II powerful 2D megapixel barcode scanner
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Newland EMEA image of the cover of the brochure

HR52 Bonito Duo

Handheld Scanners

HR52 Bonito Duo

Handheld Scanners
Our first handheld with Duo Near & Far scanning technology
1D & 2D
Duo Near & Far
Handheld barcode scanner HR52 Bonito Corded
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HR11 Aringa

Handheld Scanners

HR11 Aringa

Handheld Scanners
Including foldable stand for handsfree scanning.
Dual Interface
1.5m drop
This image shows handheld scanner HR11 Aringa black color ensures increased efficiency and operator comfort for intensive handheld scanning
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NQuire 1500 Mobula II

Micro Kiosks

NQuire 1500 Mobula II

Micro Kiosks
Master size for master performance and versatility.
1D & 2D
Android 13
15.6" screen
The picture shows NQuire 1500 Mobula II micro kiosk with a scanner
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HR15 Wahoo Corded

Handheld Scanners

HR15 Wahoo Corded

Handheld Scanners
Reach up to 300 scans per second for major 1D barcodes.
Dual Interface
Coiled cable
Handheld scanner HR15 Wahoo Corded main image
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HR15 Wahoo BT SD

Handheld Scanners

HR15 Wahoo BT SD

Handheld Scanners
Reach up to 300 scans per second for major 1D barcodes.
Dual Interface
Bluetooth 5.0
Handheld Scanner - HR15 Wahoo BT SD - Scan Barcodes
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HR22 Dorada II Corded

Handheld Scanners

HR22 Dorada II Corded

Handheld Scanners
An all-purpose 2D barcode reader that covers entry to mid-level scanning applications.
1D & 2D
Dual Interface
Image contains handheld scanner HR22 Dorada a cost-effective handheld scanning solution
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HR32 Marlin BT SD

Handheld Scanners

HR32 Marlin BT SD

Handheld Scanners
Our flagship wireless hand scanner with megapixel technology with a new stand.
1D & 2D
Bluetooth 5.0
This image shows handheld 1D and 2D barcode scanner HR3280 Marlin BT SD
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